Search results for "life expectancy"

What is the life expectancy of a child who is HIV positive?

What is my life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy?

Is life expectancy reduced by starting at a lower CD4 count?

I’ve been positive for 10 years, what’s my life expectancy?

I’m positive, what’s my life expectancy?

I’m positive, what’s my life expectancy?

My CD4 is 450, what is my life expectancy?

Can I really have a normal life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy if I start ARVs today?

What is my life expectancy if i don’t start treatment?

HIV, life expectancy and having a baby with a negative partner

CD4 count 711, what is my life expectancy?

My CD4 is 544, what is my life expectancy?

I’m on ARVs, what is my life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy?

My CD4 is 955, what’s my life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy?

Is my maximum life expectancy 8 years?

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