Q and A


My viral load has increased from undetectable to 87 c/mL…

If I take HIV drugs early is there a risk of overdose?

What is the 'window period' for twice-daily drugs?

Timing for starting Sustiva + Truvada combination?

Is food important with atazanavir? what about the yellowing?

Is an hour window time ok for adherence?

How do I handle adherence times in a different time zone (Australia)?

Should I be so optimistic now I have started treatment?

Do I really need to take my medications with/without food?

How often can I miss a dose?

How do I work out the times to take Combivir and efavirenz?

Will I be able to buy HIV treatment on my visit to the UK?

What is the best way to switch to Atripla?

What are implications of a treatment break if you are on salvage therapy?

My viral load went up from 58 to 102…

When Atripla is approved, can I still take efavirenz and Truvada separately?

How long can I be delayed with a dose?

What are the physical implications of non-adherence to ART?

Can I be late with Atripla?

HIV, poppers and ecstasy…

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