Q and A

Recent questions

Do I have TB?

Why have i been given the TB med isoniazid?

Can Tribuss be given to someone with TB and pneumonia?

Can I pass on HIV if I am undetectable?

Can switching from Trenvir have caused my mood disturbances?

Can I switch from TLE to DTG + FTC + TAF?

Can I get pregnant?

How do I access HIV treatment in Wales?

Does HIV treatment cure HIV?

Is it too late to start treatment?

Does Biktarvy cause problems with skin?

Will marijuana reduce how effective PEP is?

Will multivitamins improve my CD4 count?

Will PEP still work with resistant HIV?

My partner is using Acriptega…

I am on PrEP and have a boil on my vagina…

Am I positive or negative?

Should I take TB meds?

Does HIV cause neurocognitive impairment on ART?

Could my 5 year old son be HIV positive?

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