Q and A

Recent questions

Can I take my treatment every other day?

Can I breastfeed by baby after formula?

I have been taking Paxlovid wrong for the last week…

Am I protected if I had an exposure on my last day of PEP?

Will not being on treatment for 5 weeks cause me to lose weight?

My baby is struggling to gain weight. Do they have HIV?

How can I access HIV injectables when not in the states?

I am losing weight after stopping treatment for 2 weeks?

I was late with my Tb prevention medication…

Are yellow stools okay on PEP?

I have not taken Biktarvy for 6 days…

5 minutes late with PEP…

Do I need to restart on-demand PrEP?

Is there a risk of my medication not working if it is somewhere hot?

Can I get an invite visa to Qatar?

Do I need to take ARVs and TB medication when pregnant?

Can I use sex pills when I’m HIV positive?

Can Novatrim be administered to an 8 year old?

What is the difference between Luvigen and Volutrip?

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