Q and A

Recent questions

Will my baby be positive?

Does stomach acid effect PEP?

Can I pass on HIV if I have been on treatment for 5 months?

I have taken PEP every 12 hours instead of every 24…

Viral load went from undetectable to 58 000…

Our baby has tuberculosis, does this mean they will be HIV positive?

Will 2 potential exposures with a sex worker reduce how well PEP works?

Does honey, turmeric and ginger effect Biktarvy?

Will my baby be okay?

Switching to Biktarvy…

What happens if you take TLD in the afternoon?

Can viral load and CD4 count go up together?

Is Atrozia used to treat TB?

I have missed my medication by 5 days…

Should I stop Bactrim now my CD4 count is above 200?

I am on TLD. Can I shift to Triumeq? I am undetectable.

I am losing fat and muscle and have numbness in my limbs…

How do I maintain U=U?

I have been switched to Reydin from a pink tablet?

Should I stop breastfeeding when I have a viral load of 50?

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