Q and A

Recent questions

Does Gelusil affect the effectiveness of PEP?

Is a negative HIV test four weeks after PEP okay?

Will my treatment be less effective after getting wet?

How long will CD4 take to recover?

Is baby at risk if I am mixed feeding?

Is it safe for baby to be on nevirapine at 7 weeks?

Elevated level of sgot and sgpt on PEP?

Can magnesium reduce how well ARVs work?

Starting PEP at 90 hours?

Does burping effect PEP?

Can I give baby solids?

Can I use USN Phedracut sliming packs?

Should I take PEP as normal after missing a dose?

Is there transmission risk to my baby?

How do I increase my CD4 count?

I am pregnant and undetectable?

Do you suffer from any disease such as HIV?

I switched Truvada and Isentress…

Can I work while on PEP?

Can I take glutathione and collagen alongside TLD?

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