Q and A

Recent questions

My partner just rexted HIV during pregnancy?

Can I live a long live if my CD4 was 62 when diagnosed?

Do I need to continue taking cotrimoxazole prophylaxis?

Detox drinks… arghhhhhhhhhh!

Should I worry about the expiry date on my meds?

Interactions with TLD…

I want to stop breastfeeding…

Can I shift from TLE to TLD?

Have I passed on HIV because I was late with my treatment?

Should I stop taking my PCP prophlaxis if my CD4 count has risen?

I took my morning medication at night…

Has on-demand Prep worked?

Is it too late to start treatment while pregnant?

Can I restart my treatment?

What if you miss taking Acriptega for 2 days?

why has my CD4 count dropped so much?

Switch from daily to on-demand PrEP?

Can I take a break from Biktarvy?

Should I account for the time difference while working on a cruise ship?

Can ART work like PrEP?

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