Q and A

Recent questions

Can I start Paxlovid in the evening?

My husband is using my meds…

Have my meds stopped working?

Can co-trimoxazole reduce my CD4 count?

Do I need to take my meds again as I threw up?

Is there risk to baby after being given solids?

Can I smoke while on PEP?

Can I marry my girlfriend if she is HIV positive?

Is it safe to smoke Marijuana immediately after taking ART?

What if I was an hour late for the first dose of PrEP?

Interactions between ART and supplements

Is it better to move to the UK or the US?

Can I take bilastine with TLD?

How do I tell my partner I am positive?

Just to say I am doing well on ART…

Should I stop ART if I have put on so much weight?

Can I crush or split my HIV tablets?

Is U=U real?

Can ART be used as PrEP or PEP?

I have a wife and family but feel hopeless after learning I have HIV

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