Q and A

Recent questions

Will Luvigen work the same as Aluvia and Tenemine?

Can I take diabetic tablets while on PEP?

Can Biktarvy be used as PEP?

Will PrEP still be effective if i’m in a hot climate?

Is the HPV vaccine safe for people living with HIV?

Can I take an ant-acid before PrEP?

Can I do on-demand PrEP as 1-1-1 dosing?

Is my baby safe after testing negative at 4 months?

How do I tell my boyfriend I am HIV positive?

Starting treatment after 2 years…

Does Viagra interact with TLD?

Do I need to take PEP?

Can I give my baby Buscopan?

Have I taken on-demand PrEP correctly?

What is a positive HIV screening baby test?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to recover?

Am I at risk of opportunistic diseases with a low CD4 count?

Is Telatri treatment or PrEP?

Why am I HIV negative and my partner is HIV positive?

Interactions between TLD and glutathione…

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