Q and A

Recent questions

Does Biotin interact with TLD?

How do I take supplements without them interacting with my ARVs?

Should I still give baby nevirapine if formula feeding?

I took 3 ARVs by mistake…

Doavato and zinc interaction…

I was late with my third dose of PrEP. What should I do?

Does TLD cause arthritis?

Late with on-demand PrEP…

My son has been without his meds for a few weeks…

I have gained weight in the last month…

Can I start ART without TB medicine?

My CD4 count is 261…

Can I develop drug resistance being late with treatment?

Can I ration 90 biktarvy pills to cover 99 days?

I forgot PEP in the second week…

I have recently learnt I am HIV positive…

How can I calm my anxiety about my treatment?

Is my foot rash related to HIV?

I take PrEP within 1.5 hours of my normal time each night…

How long does PEP work after finishing the course?

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