Q and A

Recent questions

5 pills and 3 Strepsils…

Are my ARVs causing me to still have pain?

Does TLD and vitamin D3 interact?

I have insomnia and bone loss?

Can Biktarvy cause an increase in liver enzymes?

Is Acriptega PrEP?

Can I switch from Tivicay to Isentress?

Do my results mean I am detectable?

How many Ranega must I take a day?

How long should my baby be on meds?

Interaction between lamivudine and atenolol?

Will horny goat weed supplements interact with ARVs?

Can I use a nasal spray if taking TLD?

Chia seeds and TLD…

How often do I give baby Novatrim?

My daughter needs to go to hopsital because of swollen feet…

Can I take whey protein and/or fish oils while on TLD?

Can I switch back to exclusively breastfeeding?

Can I take Korean Ginseng 8 hours after ARVs?

I have insomnia after switching to TLD…

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