Q and A

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I have questions about PEP after 6 days?

Can I change from Biktarvy to Tivicay+Decsovy?

Can I use weight loss supplements when on HIV treatment?

Any info on HIV and teaching jobs in Thailand and Laos?

Could I infect my husband with TB?

How long will I live if I stop taking my medication?

Why has my girlfriend been changed from Acriptega to Telatri?

Side effects make me not want to take ART?

Will whey protein effect how well PEP works?

Why are me and the baby not HIV positive?

A 50000 viral load blip…

Should I switch from Kivexa, Reyataz and Norvir to Triumeq?

How long do I need to take PEP?

Can I sleep with my boyfriend without a condom?

After exposure how long must I continue to take Ranega?

Is my son old enough to be on Reydin?

Can I shift from TlD to Biktarvy?

Is HIV medication free in Spain?

Can I take HIV and CMV meds during Ramadan fasting?

Are abacavir and Rilovia the same medications?

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