Q and A

Recent questions

Do I need to undergo cancer screening?

Will I be okay without meds for 2 weeks?

Can baby be HIV positive if mum isn’t?

Does my CD4 count result mean I have HIV?

Did PEP work?

Can I risk transmitting HIV if I miss my treatment for a day?

Will multivitamins risk PEP not working?

Is it safe to switch from Atripla to dolutegravir?

Will PEP and Vitamin D3 interact?

Can I skip ARVs during Ramadan?

Can a positive person test negative again?

Is it possible for a HIV positive male to have a HIV negative child?

Will PEP be effective if I stop after 18 days?

Does pumping milk count as mixed feeding?

Can I take Desltrigo late during Ramadan?

Can I avoid getting TB?

How can I get treatment if I can’t go back to my old clinic?

Do I need to worry about a small drop in my CD4 count?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to recover?

Do I need to re-start event based PrEP?

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