Q and A

Recent questions

When am I protected when taking daily PrEP?

Can I finish PEP when originally planned?

Can I take TLD while fasting?

Can I take multivitamins? I am on TLD and Isoniazid.

How long have I been living with HIV?

When can I take my ART?

Is my CD4 going up at a normal rate?

Do I need to take co-trimoxazole at the same time each day?

Can a low CD4 count define a late diagnosis?

Do I need to use condoms if I am on PrEP?

Is it okay to restart ART during my studies?

My baby has a cough. Does this mean they have HIV?

Can I keep my status a secret?

Does TLD interact with Eperisone?

CBC has shown high white blood cells…

Can HIV be transmitted if my viral load is 250?

Why has my baby been given co-trimoxazole?

I am experiencing night sweats…

No meds for 10 days and I am breastfeeding…

Will an extra dose of ART affect my baby while breastfeeding?

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