Q and A

Recent questions

Can an HIV negative baby have Novatrim?

Do I need to change the time of my ARVs in line with clocks changing?

Is 15 days long enough for PrEP to start working?

Do I need to take the full five days of Paxlovid?

Is Trustiva prescribed as PEP?

I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

Are symptoms on PEP related to HIV?

Does HIV cause stomach pain?

Are meds affected by going to the toilet afterwards?

My boyfriend has horrible views about HIV

Can I change abacavir and lamivudine dosing?

Can I give my baby formula milk when she is on nevirapine?

Do I need PEP if I was late with a PrEP dose?

Will douching reduce PrEP from working?

Will Atroiza cause me to miscarry?

Does on-demand PrEP work for the day after?

I am not sure if I had a double dose of my medication…

I don’t want to start treatment…

Can I take Zinc with Biktarvy?

I switched to formula. Is there a risk to my baby?

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