Q and A

Recent questions

Apetito to gain weight?

Does U=U apply even to African countries?

Is TLD safe for a pregnant woman?

My viral load is not below 50…

Can Raltegravir be taken with supplements?

Can I breastfeed while taking treatment?

How do I restart my treatment?

Both parents are HIV positive. Will baby be safe?

I missed my treatment for a day…

Has my girlfriend recently become HIV positive?

Can I buy ARVs in the UK?

What can I do to avoid the side effects of PEP?

I vomited 10 afters after taking PEP…

I have not taken Biktarvy for a month…

Does alcohol increase viral load?

Will my CD4 count ever get higher than 100?

Will 2 drugs work as PEP?

I have man boobs…

Is it possible to get re-infected with another strain if I’m on medication?

Can I switch from tenofovir DF to tenofovir AF?

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