Q and A

Newly diagnosed

Is it possible that I can get HIV when my girlfriend is on her medication?

Does HIV cause hair loss?

Can I pass on HIV with a viral load of 200?

My viral load is 843 and CD4% is 28. Are these good?

My CD4 count is 261…

Can I develop drug resistance being late with treatment?

Starting treatment after 2 years…

Am I at risk of opportunistic diseases with a low CD4 count?

I have a wife and family but feel hopeless after learning I have HIV

My partner just rexted HIV during pregnancy?

Can I live a long live if my CD4 was 62 when diagnosed?

Is it too late to start treatment while pregnant?

why has my CD4 count dropped so much?

How long will CD4 take to recover?

Can I use USN Phedracut sliming packs?

Should I stop Bactrim now my CD4 count is above 200?

I am losing fat and muscle and have numbness in my limbs…

Will not being on treatment for 5 weeks cause me to lose weight?

Can I pass on HIV if I am undetectable?

Does HIV treatment cure HIV?

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