Q and A


How long should HIV ARS last when PEP medication fails?

Are D17/H pills PEP?

Should baby have nevirapine if I am not breastfeeding?

Can marijuana interact with PEP?

How long should I be on PEP?

Will my baby become HIV positive?

Will PEP work if it was in below 0 degrees temperature?

Why has my platelet count fallen?

Can I infect my second partner with HIV while I am on pep?

I am on medication, is my partner at risk of HIV transmission?

Is increased urinary frequency a side effect of PEP?

Has PEP affected my kidneys?

Will PEP work if started 62 hours after exposure?

How long does Atripla remain in the body?

What is Ranega?

Can I assume my symptoms while on PEP are seroconversion?

Should I take Volutrip as PEP?

Does nevirapine cause runny stools?

Will PEP still work if I am not taking it strictly every 24 hours?

Do I need to extend PEP after being exposed midway through?

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