Q and A

Sero different couples

I’ve recently become positive and have questions..

I am undetectable and want a baby, is this possible?

Why am I negative if my partner is positive?

What about viral load blips and transmission risk to partners?

My husband is HIV positive, is it good to try for a baby?

How do I disclose my HIV status to potential partners?

My VL is undetectable but I worry: my HIV-neg partner won’t use condoms.

Should I tell my partner I am positive if I am undetectable?

What is HIV risk when trying for a baby?

How can I tell my partner I am positive?

How safe to continue having sex without condoms?

I have HIV, a doctor says we can’t have children. Is this true?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you are taking Trivenz (Atripla)?

Can i be with someone who is HIV negative?

Is there medication i can take to protect myself from HIV transmission?

My girlfriend wants a baby but doesn’t know i have HIV…

My partner is positive, will i get infected?

I moved and lost my insurance, i can’t afford meds now.

I am positive and he isn’t, how can i get pregnant?

I had unprotected sex with my positive girlfriend, what are my chances?

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