Q and A

Sero different couples

Why am I HIV negative if my boyfriend is HIV positive?

Why is my husband HIV negative when I am pregnant and HIV positive?

How can my partner test HIV positive and I test HIV negative?

Can an HIV negative woman and her HIV positive partner conceive naturally?

What is the risk from one time with my positive boyfriend?

I am HIV and my partner is negative and we can’t enjoy sex…

I’ve just started meds, will I infect my partner?

My wife’s positive, I’m negative, how can I protect myself?

I’m positive, can my partner be negative?

My viral load is undetectable, can I transmit HIV through oral sex?

I am HIV negative, my girlfriend is positive. Can we have a baby?

Can I start meds and how to tell my partner?

Can we conceive naturally – my doctor says “no”?

Can I still be negative when my partner has tested positive?

How can I be HIV positive, but my partner has test negative?

Can I have a baby with my negative partner? I also smoke.

How can I be positive and my husband negative?

How am I negative and my boyfriend positive?

How am I positive but my partner negative?

I’m undetectable and worried about transmission to my partner..

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