Q and A

Sero different couples

How long does it take to become undetectable?

Can a couple with one positive person have children?

My wife is testing negative what are the chances our daughter contracted HIV?

I stopped treatment, can i infect my partner?

What is the risk of causing transmission with a high CD4?

Can my partner get HIV from me if we have unprotected sex?

Does PrEP reduce risks further when viral load is undetectable?

How can I tell my partner I am positive?

My girlfriend is HIV negative but pregnant, what’s going on?

I have just been diagnosed and i’m afraid to tell my partner

I have a high CD4 count, do i have to take ARVs to get pregnant?

I am undetectable, having condomless sex with my partner. Is transmission unlikely?

Why does stigma still stop me telling my boyfriend?

HIV, life expectancy and having a baby with a negative partner

I have HIV and he doesn’t, can we have a baby?

Am I an HIV carrier?

I am undetectable, can I infect my boyfriend?

My partner is positive, am I really negative?

I’m HIV+, my partner is HIV-, can I get pregnant?

Should I stay with my HIV+ husband?

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