Research during COVID-19

Vaccine candidates report phase 3 studies after early safety and immune responses in phase 1/2 studies

FDA guidance on COVID-19 vaccine includes minimal target of 50% efficacy

HTB no 9 – plus: HIV and COVID-19 bulletin no 6 (22 July 2020)

HIV and COVID-19: issue 5 (26 June 2020) (HTB no 8)

23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020)

FDA approves dolutegravir formulations to treat infants and young children

Latest studies on HIV/COVID-19 coinfection

HIV positive people in South Africa at increased risk of dying from COVID-19: first data from country with high prevalence of HIV and TB

Update on Western Cape data: people with HIV have small increased risks from COVID-19

Dexamethasone significantly reduces mortality in subset of patients hospitalised with advanced COVID-19: UK RECOVERY study

Modelling paper suggests hydroxychloroquine dosing was too low to be active against COVID-19 and that higher doses would risk toxicity

FDA contraindication for remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): immediate impact on current HCQ research

UK RECOVERY study stops hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID-19: more than 1100 deaths question ethics and safety overall

SIMPLE study reports benefit from 5-day but not 10-day remdesivir on moderate COVID-19

Recent papers on convalescent plasma and on ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers

BHIVA/THT updated guidelines for social distancing in the UK

Two PEP studies report no benefit of hydroxychloroquine for preventing CoV-2 infection

Independent SAGE: UK COVID-19 policy responses

COVID-19 harm reduction programmes in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia

HIV and COVID-19 bulletin no 5 (26 June 2020)

HIV and COVID-19: issue 4 (1 June 2020)

Dr Ron Simmons. Activist. Teacher. Mentor. Organiser. Leader. Survivor. Black gay icon.

Larry Kramer, playwright, AIDS activist and writer  (1935-2020)

Cabotegravir long-acting injections prevent HIV as PrEP

HIV and COVID-19 coinfection: case reports, retrospective cohorts and outcomes

UK access to remdesivir approved: but MHRA criteria exclude some who could benefit

EMA recommends expanding access to remdesivir

Remdesivir improves recovery time in early COVID-19 infection: first definitive results of benefit

Convalescent plasma therapy for COVID-19

Treatment with interferon in early COVID-19

Famotidine associated with improved clinical outcomes in people hospitalised with COVID-19

Tocilizumab and remdesivir in new dual therapy study

RETRACTED – Re: No benefit from hydroxychloroquine, with or without macrolide antibiotics in analysis of 96,000 participants

BHIVA advice for HIV positive people hospitalised with COVID-19

Changes in taste and smell as symptoms of COVID-19

BHIVA guidelines on shielding: advice for HIV clinicians, GPs and people living with HIV

European consensus on HIV and COVID-19: UK (BHIVA), European (EACS), Spanish, German and Polish HIV organisations

UK guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19: UK prioritises 42 studies

Low CD4s and CD8s – but not viral genetics – predict COVID-19 progression

Autopsies show how COVID-19 damages lungs more than flu

HIV and COVID-19 bulletin no 4 (1 June 2020)

HIV and COVID-19: issue 3 (14 May 2020)

Higher rates of serious outcomes in HIV and COVID-19 coinfection in Germany: cautious review

HIV is not linked to higher risk of COVID-19 in large New York cohort

Case-studies show darunavir does not protect against CoV-2

COVID-19 could lead to 500,000 excess HIV-related deaths in sub-Saharan Africa linked to interruptions in ART supply

Remdesivir for COVID-19: randomised study shows similar antiviral effect to placebo

Other remdesivir news: top results from NIH and Gilead studies – emergency approval in US and Japan

Potential for tocilizumab to treat moderate to severe COVID-19

Detectable viral load and IL-6: a role for tocilizumab or anti-JAK inhibitor baricitinib?

Rheumatoid arthritis drug anakinra in small study to treat COVID-19

Anticoagulants associated with improved survival rates in people hospitalised with COVID-19

Monoclonal antibodies identified in convalescent plasma COVID-19

Studies reporting lack of benefit from hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19

Israeli cohort shows no protection against COVID-19 from childhood BCG vaccination

Obesity associated with worse outcomes in younger people hospitalised with COVID-19 in the US

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers do not boost risk of COVID-19 or flu

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers for hypertension tied to lower death risk with COVID-19

New BHIVA guidelines: B/F/TAF now preferred first-line ART and reduced HIV monitoring in the UK during COVID-19

Joint BHIVA/EACS update on HIV and COVID-19 (April 2020)

Interim US guidance for coinfection COVID-19 and HIV

Potential for CoV-2 to be widely distributed in cells throughout the body

Reports of Kawasaki-like disease in children after the start of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Italy 

Debate over development of pathogenic strains of CoV-2

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