
HIV pipeline 2017: summary version

HIV pipeline 2017: Update from IAS Paris

Unexpected side effects with generic abacavir – and potential for rare reactions to other generic ARVs

Dolutegravir pharmacokinetics in pregnancy

High rates of of undocumented efavirenz-related side effects in Uganda

Increased risk of ART failure after low-level viraemia in a large South African cohort

Option B+ Malawi

Dolutegravir/rilpivirine submitted to EMA and FDA as oral two-drug maintenance combination

Bictegravir/FTC/TAF: new once-daily integrase-based FDC submitted to US FDA

FDA updates cobicistat and Stribild labels: interactions with systemic, inhaled, nasal and ophthalmic corticosteriods

Drop in HIV incidence in gay men: frequent testing, early ART and PrEP

Prompt/early ART: Dean Street pilot project reports 75% uptake

Other selections and webcasts

Dose reduction potential of nanoparticle ARV formulations confirmed in humans

VRC01 in HIV-exposed newborns: first results support monthly injections for those at risk through breastfeeding

Raltegravir pharmacokinetic targets met in high-risk HIV-exposed infants

Tenofovir alafenamide exposure is modestly higher in children than adults

Pre-ART drug resistance in rural South Africa but limited clinical impact with good adherence

Increased risk of IRIS with integrase inhibitors reported in two studies

Pharmacokinetics and full phase 2 results for bictegravir, a new integrase inhibitor

New NNRTI doravirine is non-inferior to darunavir/r in phase 3 treatment naive study

NRTI GS-9131 resurfaces at CROI 2017: in vitro sensitivity to nuke-resistant HIV

Dolutegravir exposure increases when fixed dose combination tablets are crushed

Pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy of dolutegravir in very young children

Efavirenz, tenofovir and emtricitabine associated with fewest adverse birth outcomes in Botswana

Adverse pregnancy outcomes and risk factors in the PROMISE trial

Women on lopinavir/ritonavir-based regimens at conception at higher risk of preterm delivery in UK study

Fit for purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation Feb 2017

US Stribild label updated: new indication to include patients age 12 and older

Option to take crushed Stribild tablets with food or enteral nutrition

ART adherence in first four months predicts long-term viral suppression in 12-year study

Effects of ART initiation on human papillomavirus antibody response

Once-daily raltegravir formulation matches twice-daily results in age, gender, race and baseline viral load/CD4 subgroup analyses

Attachment inhibitor GSK-934/BMS-068: 96-week subgroup analysis in treatment-experienced patients

Once-weekly albuvirtide infusion: early results of T-20-like compound

FDA approves maraviroc for children aged two and older

Ibalizumab infusion reduces viral load in people with HIV multi-drug resistance

GSK discontinues development of maturation inhibitor BMS-955176

Large disparities in costs of antiretrovirals between low- and middle-income countries

High death rates among HIV positive women postpartum accessing ARVs

Higher rates of eye complications in HIV positive people on ART

Raltegravir-based third-line ART in children and adolescents

Raltegravir in HIV-exposed neonates

Tenofovir-containing ART reduces bone mineral density in breast feeding women: results from IMPAACT P1084s

First generic TDF/FTC approved in EU

Single-pill PI-based combination submitted to EMA

Dolutegravir superior to standard dose efavirenz in WHO analysis

Dual therapy with dolutegravir + 3TC keep viral load undetectable: 48 week results from PADDLE study

Once-daily raltegravir at last available: 48 week results from ONCEMRK study

Dual long-acting cabotegravir plus rilpivirine injections: 48-week results from LATTE-2

Dolutegravir is superior to boosted atazanavir in women in the ARIA study

Pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals comparable to that in non-pregnant women from three weeks after delivery

The antiretroviral pipeline 2016

Fit for purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation 2016

The paediatric antiretroviral pipeline

Preventive technologies: antiretroviral and vaccine development

HIV positive people on ART have impaired alveolar immunity

Studies of new generic $300 HepC combination of ravidasvir and sofosbuvir for low-income countries

No effect of tenofovir on infant bone mineral content in African study

Use of modelling to predicting paediatric dosing of long acting antiretrovirals

START substudies: increased quality of life from earlier treatment but no impact on vascular function or cardiovascular markers

FTC/TAF dual-nuke approved in the US and Europe

Paediatric labeling expanded, and additional tablet strengths for FTC/TDF

Dual long-acting injections of cabotegravir plus rilpivirine: 32-week results from LATTE-2 study

New NRTI MK-8591 (EFdA): weekly oral dosing and once-yearly slow-release dosing has potential for HIV treatment and PrEP

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