
Similar viral load reductions at week 4 when dolutegravir is used with 2- or 3-drug initial ART

48-week results for NNRTI doravirine compared to efavirenz

Countries with lower HIV prevalence have lower ART coverage

Nigerian herbal medicines widely used by HIV positive people can contain antiretrovirals

EU adopts positive opinion on dual formulation of F/TAF

New TAF-containing fixed dose combination approved in the US

BMS sells pipeline compounds to ViiV Healthcare

EU provide positive approval for generic lopinavir/ritonavir

Further results using dolutegravir monotherapy: urgent need for controlled studies

Potential economic impact of dolutegravir/3TC dual therapy

Remarkable results with dolutegravir monotherapy

First-line ART with dolutegravir plus 3TC: 24-week early results

Achieving viral suppression with HIV multi-drug resistance: peg-interferon and valaciclovir as part of rescue therapy

Substituting lopinavir/ritonavir with efavirenz in children on stable ART

Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) approved – but only as part of a fixed dose combination

No transmission of integrase-resistant HIV seen in California cohort

Doubled hypogonadism rate in middle-aged men with HIV: fat is a factor

Reducing efavirenz dose is unlikely to overcome interaction with levonorgestrel

Doravirine and cabotegravir do not affect the pharmacokinetics of oral contraceptives

Dolutegravir placental transfer moderate in ex vivo model

FDA approve additional weight band dosing for children using atazanavir powder

Four reasons IAS 2015 will be a milestone HIV conference: a personal view

Starting HIV treatment at high CD4 counts protects against both AIDS and non-AIDS events: overall and in subgroup analyses of START study

Pipeline ARVs at IAS 2015: doravirine, BMS-955176 and BMS-663068

Rapid implementation of the 2013 WHO ART guidelines

Rilpivirine/FTC/TAF becomes the third TAF-based fixed dose combination submitted for US approval

The antiretroviral pipeline 2015

Fit for purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation 2015

The Pediatric Antiretroviral Pipeline

BHIVA pregnancy audit 2013 to 2014

Primary HIV infection and early use of ART

Rectal STIs and viral load in HIV positive men on and off ART

Other short reports from BHIVA:

Elvitegravir in children and adolescents

PK of ARVs in pregnancy: rilpivirine, etravirine and raltegravir

Pharmacokinetics in pregnancy: darunavir/r and etravirine

Low prolactin and high 20alpha-HSD might contribute to ART-associated progesterone deficits in pregnancy

Pregnancy rates among women using ART and hormonal contraceptives in Kenya

Gender difference in virological response to ART

Generic dolutegravir submitted to FDA for tentative approval

EMA approves coformulated atazanavir/cobicistat

Dual F/TAF formulation under evaluation by EMA

Pipeline ART: tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)

Pipeline ART: maturation inhibitors and an attachment inhibitor

PrEP reduced HIV risk by at least 86% in PROUD: no transmissions likely from people taking meds

FDA approves fixed dose darunavir/cobicistat

FDA approves fixed dose atazanavir/cobicistat

FDA approves fixed dose raltegravir/3TC formulation: Merck holds back from marketing in US

Dolutegravir and Truimeq approved in England

London prescribing guidelines updated to include dolutegravir and Triumeq

Adequate cerebrospinal fluid exposure of efavirenz when dosed at 400 mg

Savings to the NHS predicted from switching to generic antiretrovirals

Lower dose efavirenz effective in two studies

Should tenofovir dose be 200 – 250 mg when used with protease inhibitors?

3TC inferior to FTC in Dutch cohort but interchangeable in other studies

Suicide not associated with efavirenz use in the D:A:D cohort study

Efavirenz decreases exposure to hormonal contraceptive implant

Increased risk of ART-related hepatotoxicity in HIV positive pregnant women

Darunavir pharmacokinetics in pregnancy and postpartum

Efavirenz-associated gynaecomastia reported to the national HIV and TB healthcare workers hotline in South Africa

Infants start ART too late but improvement over time in Southern Africa

Pregnancy a risk factor for poor antiretroviral treatment outcomes in South African adolescents

Equivalent efficacy with lower dose darunavir

Antiretroviral studies at ICAAC 2014: darunavir-based FDC with TAF, cobicistat, doravirine, Stribild and gel formulation PrEP

Switch from efavirenz to rilpivirine quells CNS toxicity, improves sleep

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