Q and A

Recent questions

Can I stop PEP if my parter tested negative?

Can I give my baby formula and porridge?

I have been changed from Atroiza to TLD…

Can I take vitamin D and Calcium alongside Truvada?

I slept with my girlfriend while I am on PEP…

I didn’t double dose for on-demand PrEP…

Will I stay undetectable if I stop taking meds?

Will I test negative after starting treatment?

Should I be worried about a small increase in viral load?

My drug is labelled ‘LA75’…

Can I be an hour either side of my normal meds time?

My wife is HIV positive…

When should I take my meds?

Do I need to stop my marriage?

Is life expectancy reduced by starting at a lower CD4 count?

Am I at risk of further exposure if I am on PEP?

Can I take antibiotics while on treatment?

Can I have a baby without passing on HIV to my wife?

Will I need to change when I take PEP?

How good is the monkeypox vaccine?

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