Q and A

Recent questions

Is my baby going to test positive?

I am waiting for my babies test results…

What do monkeypox spots look like?

Should I start ARVs if my viral load is low?

Can I take Odimune in the evening?

I slept with someone while on PEP…

Can I alternate between HIV medication?

My skin changes after being bitten by a mosquito…

Is my child at risk? They have symptoms of oral thrush?

Starting PEP at 53 hours…

My CD4 count is 220. Can I transmit HIV?

How can I extend my trip without my current medication?

Is it common to have night sweats while on ART?

Can I have sex while on PEP?

Can I work in the UK as a nurse?

Does dolutegravir risk a neural tube defect in my baby?

Have I done on-demand PrEP right?

I switched PEP…

Can I stop breastfeeding my baby? He’s 6 weeks old.

Do I need to take PEP again?

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