Q and A

Recent questions

Can I restart medication after 6 years?

Is my baby at risk if my boyfriend is not on meds?

I tested positive while pregnant…

Can I study in Cyprus

Should I postpone a romantic evening after missing my medication?

How quickly does CD4 drop after being positive?

When can I test after PEP?

Will missing ARVs for 5 days risk my undetectable status?

Should my partner tell me they are HIV positive?

Will starting ARVs again work?

How can I access ART in the UK?

Will ARVs still work if I have not used them for a while?

Can Reydin be used as PEP?

My husband is not on ART. Will my baby get HIV?

If I am not on ART will my baby have HIV?

Have I risked being undetectable?

How can I access treatment as a student in the US?

Why is my body itchy all over?

Can I breastfeed for the first few days and then switch to formula?

Does TLD interact with Omeprazole?

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