Q and A

Recent questions

Can I take Biktarvy and Zicam together?

What happens if I miss TLD for a month?

Will PEP work if I slept with someone not taking their medication?

Is it possible to sleep with someone HIV positive and not get HIV?

Can I pass on HIV with a viral load of 730?

Is it possible to have an HIV negative baby?

Can I change the time of my medication from 9pm to 11am?

Is LA75 for people?

Do I need to reject my uni offer?

Can I stay on my current medication?

Does Phytomed help?

Will Volutrip harm my baby?

Should I be worried that my viral load is below 20?

My wife has changed since learning I am HIV positive

Is injectable ART available in the UK?

Is is okay to take meds at 6.40 am without eating?

Can I get ART if I move to Poland to work?

Will the monkeypox (MPX) vaccine reduce symptoms?

Can I used HIV treatment as PrEP?

How does PEP work?

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