Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Does U=U only apply to sex?

Why is my CD4 count and viral load healthy when I am not on medication?

Can I pass on HIV when my viral load is less than 30?

What does HIV-1 RNA Copies less than 20 mean?

What happens if I miss my HIV treatment for a week?

I am on medication, is my partner at risk of HIV transmission?

Why is my viral load now detectable?

Will missing 2 doses effect me?

Does masturbation affect my CD4 count?

Can I experience symptoms of HIV if I am undetectable?

Are my recurrent cysts caused by being HIV positive?

Why has my viral load not improved on ART?

How can my wife be HIV positive and I am not?

Why do my family not have HIV and I do?

How long does Triumeq remain in the body?

Can I get HIV from someone who has been on treatment for 4 months?

Is it possible for HIV to be in clinical latency in the body for 39 years?

Will the flu reduce my CD4 count?

Are there side effects from starting ART with a low CD4 count?

Will missing one daily dose in 4 years increase my viral load?

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