Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Will starting ARVs again work?

Will ARVs still work if I have not used them for a while?

If I am not on ART will my baby have HIV?

Why is my body itchy all over?

My friend has stopped taking her medication. What can I do?

Am I at risk of HIV from my husband?

Will the flu affect my blood work?

Is my HIV negative partner at risk?

Is my boyfriend at risk?

Is Ranega working?

Why has my viral load gone up after a vaccine?

What does lower than detectable mean?

Will my viral load go back up?

Will I be an Elite Controller forever?

Has by ART failed?

Can I transmit HIV if my viral load is 63?

My viral load is now 1162 after switching treatment.

I have missed 5 days of Biktarvy…

Is there hope my CD4 test numbers will go up?

Why am I coughing up phlegm?

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