Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Why is my viral load now less than 100?

Can I take TLD without water?

I take by treatment within the same hour at different times…

Can I marry someone HIV negative?

My viral load increased after COVID…

I skipped treatment for 2 years and am depressed.

Is my parter at risk when I have a viral load of 70?

Is it possible that I can get HIV when my girlfriend is on her medication?

I missed 2 days of treatment. Can I pass on HIV?

Can I restart my treatment after years?

Can I pass on HIV with a viral load of 200?

My viral load is 843 and CD4% is 28. Are these good?

Why has my CD4 count dropped a little?

I have insomnia and bone loss?

Do my results mean I am detectable?

My son has been without his meds for a few weeks…

My CD4 count is 261…

How can I calm my anxiety about my treatment?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to recover?

Am I at risk of opportunistic diseases with a low CD4 count?

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