Q and A

HIV transmission

Can a person who is undetectable transmit HIV by vaginal sex?

Can I get HIV from my undetectable partner?

Will using formula milk protect my baby?

Why did my partner test positive when I tested negative?

Is it possible for my baby to test negative and then positive?

I’m pregnant and positive, can I keep having sex?

Am I infectious to my partner?

Can HIV be transmitted if undetectable?

Can HIV be transmitted through a condom?

Is HIV transmitted by oral sex?

Are condoms important if I am pregnant and my partner is not on ARVs?

Can an HIV positive mother safely breastfeed her baby?

Can my wife and I have direct sex without being infected?

Can we try for a baby in I am on ART (Tribuss) and my partner is not?

What is the risk to my partner if I am taking Atroiza?

Risks if my partner is really positive?

Is my partner at risk if viral load is undetectable without ART?

What about viral load blips and transmission risk to partners?

My husband is HIV positive, is it good to try for a baby?

Is my partner at risk if I am on HIV meds?

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