Q and A

Starting treatment

Newly diagnosed – how to handle efavirenz side effects?

Will my viral load be undetectable in time to have negative baby?

My girlfriend wants a baby but doesn’t know i have HIV…

Why have i been given Septrin?

Which foods increase CD4 count?

Which immune booster pills will decrease my viral load?

How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?

Is a CD4 count under 100 bad?

Does HIV cause weight loss?

How long do efavirenz side effects last?

Why have I gained so much weight?

Does everybody get resistance?

My CD4 count is very low, will treatment still work?

What are the long term effects of HIV treatment?

How quickly should CD4 and viral loads change after starting ART?

Should I start treatment in seroconversion?

Which HIV drugs cause lipodystrophy?

Do i need to keep taking Septrin?

How do i know that i am getting the right care?

Do i still need to take meds with a high CD4 to get pregnant?

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