Q and A

Starting treatment

Should I start taking medication if I might be a long term nonprogressor?

Why has my boyfriend not contracted HIV?

I have just been diagnosed and my doctor didn’t explain CD4 or viral load.

Do I have to change my lifestyle now that I am HIV positive?

Why do I still feel sick after being on ARVs for 2 weeks?

Starting ART during pregnancy. Will my baby be positive?

I have just found out I am HIV positive. My partner is unsure if he wants to stay.

When can I take my ARVs?

How fast should my CD4 increase?

My partner is HIV negative.

I stopped ARVs for a year.

I have oral thrush. Does this mean I have AIDS?

What do my test results mean?

What are the side effects of TLD?

My viral load is 10 million copies/mL in seroconversion…

My viral load is 500.

I’m HIV positive. I’ve just found out i’m pregnant.

When does HIV become AIDS?

How long will it take to be undetecable?

How can I improve my CD4 count?

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