Conference reports

CROI 2023: Six-monthly ART – lenacapavir + dual bNAbs maintains undetectable viral load for 26 weeks after single doses

CROI 2023: Other lenacapavir studies – experienced and naive updates, the dosing window, HIV-2 and PrEP

CROI 2023: Similar PK profile for thigh vs gluteal CAB/RPV-LA injections: accidental intravenous injection

CROI 2023: Efficacy of N6LS monotherapy correlated with baseline factors

CROI 2023: CAB/RPV-LA levels are not reduced after switching from efavirenz

CROI 2023: Yet more evidence for recycled tenofovir and 3TC or FTC with dolutegravir in second-line: 48 week results from the D2EFT study

CROI 2023: Point-of-care testing for mothers and infants: results from the LIFE study

CROI 2023: Bone density profiles for CAB-LA vs TDF/FTC oral PrEP in young adults

CROI 2023: Single dose doxycycline as PEP for STIs (doxy-PEP): five studies

CROI 2023: Severe mpox outcomes with a low CD4 count and detectable viral load: a new AIDS-defining condition?

30th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection (CROI 2023)

Glasgow HIV Congress (2022)

Glasgow 2022: pipeline studies with bNAbs N6LS and maturation inhibitor GSK254

Glasgow 2022: doravirine updates

Glasgow 2022: long-acting cabotegravir/rilpivirine: adverse events, implementation and PROMs

Glasgow 2022: community statement on HIV and ageing

Glasgow HIV Congress 2022

Glasgow 2022: Better re-suppression after viral rebound with DTG-based ART compared to EFV- or PI-based regimens

Glasgow 2022: Vertical transmission rate below 0.3% among women living with HIV in the UK

Glasgow 2022: Impact of islatravir on lymphocyte counts in a dose-ranging study: a post-hoc analysis

Glasgow 2022: Islatravir studies to use 0.25 mg daily dose to overcome risk of reducing CD4 and total lymphocytes

Glasgow 2022: Fostemsavir 240 week results from BRIGHTE study

Glasgow 2022: Fostemsavir: QT prolongation and drug-drug interactions

Glasgow 2022: Mpox updates on epidemiology, treatment and prevention

24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022): Final report

IAS 2022: Metabolic complications of newer HIV drugs in older people

14th International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics

First paediatric pharmacokinetic data of dolutegravir in combination with a TAF-based NRTI backbone

24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022): further reports

AIDS 2022: Efficacy of DTG- vs EFV-based first-line ART in advanced HIV with CD4 <50 cells/mm3

AIDS 2022: Gender-affirming hormones, weight gain and ART

24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022)

Dolutegravir no longer linked to higher risk of neural tube defects: latest update from the Tsepamo study

Weight gain with dolutegravir and TAF in ADVANCE study continues out to week 192

VRC01 added to early ART in infants did not reduce viral reservoir

Using PrEP during pregnancy is safe for children

Long-acting CAB/RPV injections have a similar weight and lipid profile to dolutegravir-based oral ART

Montreal’s response to monkeypox: rapid vaccine rollout, 39 breakthrough infections

Summary of 620 cases of monkeypox seen at three London clinics

Advances in HIV cure-related research: IAS workshop now online

24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022): first reports

Dolutegravir-based ART in children and adolescents: effective in six African countries

Early data on injecting CAB/RPV-LA into thigh muscle

Simplifed lenacapavir dosing: PK results in HIV negative study

Doxycycline PEP significantly reduces STIs in people at high risk of infections

Another possible HIV cure case after stem cell transplantation for cancer; example of extended post-treatment control in Spain

Other cure-related sessions at AIDS 2022

Selected reports launched at AIDS 2022

29th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2022): final report

CROI 2022: NAMSAL study comparing DTG to EFV400 in Cameroon: week 192 results

29th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2022): further reports

CROI 2022: Updates from the VESTED study

CROI 2022: Switching to dolutegravir for adults on stable PI-based second-line ART

29th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2022): third reports

CROI 2022: Dolutegravir plus recycled tenofovir rather than switch to AZT: public health approach to second-line ART

CROI 2022: Other COVID-19 studies

29th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2022): second reports

CROI 2022: Webcasts now online and open access

CROI 2022: Islatravir studies for HIV treatment and PrEP

CROI 2022: UK study reports diabetes mellitus in 9% of HIV positive Africans in the UK on stable ART

CROI 2022: Life expectancy reduced by eight years following hospitalisation for a mental health condition in South Africa

CROI 2022: Long COVID persists for over a year: evidence for divergent immune responses

CROI 2022: Risk factors for NAFLD and proteinuria in HIV positive people on ART in the REPRIEVE study

CROI 2022: UK study shows PEP is started earlier using home starter packs

CROI 2022: Summary of 14 key studies on HIV and liver disease

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