Q and A

Access to treatment

I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

How do I restart my treatment?

Can I buy ARVs in the UK?

I have not taken Biktarvy for a month…

Can I go back to my old clinic?

Can I get injectable ART in the UK – and do I really need ART?

Are Atrozia and Heftenam the same thing?

What HIV organisations are available in SA?

Are Emtevir and Tenvir the same meds?

My clinic has offered me injectable ART – is this as good as pills?

What will happen if I restart ART after two months?

How do I access treatment in Australia?

What happens if I miss TLD for a month?

Is injectable ART available in the UK?

Can I get ART if I move to Poland to work?

Can I alternate between HIV medication?

How can I extend my trip without my current medication?

Can I restart medication after 6 years?

Should I postpone a romantic evening after missing my medication?

How can I access treatment as a student in the US?

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