Q and A

Access to treatment

What will happen if I restart ART after two months?

How do I access treatment in Australia?

What happens if I miss TLD for a month?

Is injectable ART available in the UK?

Can I get ART if I move to Poland to work?

Can I alternate between HIV medication?

How can I extend my trip without my current medication?

Can I restart medication after 6 years?

Should I postpone a romantic evening after missing my medication?

How can I access treatment as a student in the US?

Where can we access treatment in Spain?

How do I access treatment in the UK?

Are there new therapies for HIV/HBV co-infection?

Can I get bictegravir in the UK?

My ARVs expired last month…

I have missed 5 days of Biktarvy…

Moving to Edinburgh, will I be able to access my medication?

Can I access HIV medication in the UK as a foreign student?

How do I reverse the body changing side effects from ART?

Will PEP work if it was in below 0 degrees temperature?

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