Access to treatment

Who can use injectable CAB/RPV-LA in the UK

What if dermatologists ask about HIV?

Can I use dolutegravir (Tivicay) without other drugs?

Are there free CD4 and viral load bloods tests in South Africa?

What is the difference between Acriptega and Ranega or one with LTD

Can I use other medications if I cannot access Ranega?

Am I at risk if I have not been on treatment for 10 years?

What can I do if my newborn missed nevirapine for 3 weeks?

Can I restart meds after a break?

Featured Has my question already been answered?

Switching from Aluiva and Dumiva to Acriptega…

Will I become detectable again?

I am going without meds for 2 weeks…

Can I carry meds with me to the UK?

Should I add a third drug for PEP?

What treatment do I need to start?

Is my treatment effective?

I forgot my meds on holiday?

Question about UK visa application and previous HIV care

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