Q and A

Access to treatment

My husband is using my meds…

Have I passed on HIV because I was late with my treatment?

I have missed my medication by 5 days…

How can I access HIV injectables when not in the states?

I have not taken Biktarvy for 6 days…

What is the difference between Luvigen and Volutrip?

How do I access HIV treatment in Wales?

Will PEP still work with resistant HIV?

Is HIV medication free in Spain?

How can I get treatment if I can’t go back to my old clinic?

I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

How do I restart my treatment?

Can I buy ARVs in the UK?

I have not taken Biktarvy for a month…

Can I go back to my old clinic?

Can I get injectable ART in the UK – and do I really need ART?

Are Atrozia and Heftenam the same thing?

What HIV organisations are available in SA?

Are Emtevir and Tenvir the same meds?

My clinic has offered me injectable ART – is this as good as pills?

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