Q and A

Recent questions

Are there benefits for switching from TDF to TAF?

I take my medication at different times…

Can I switch from Aluiva and TDF to Luvigen?

I’m anxious about my CD4 count…

Why do I need to repeat a 28-day negative HIV test at three months?

Recovery of CD4 count…

Why did my CD4 count go back up?

Why is my viral load now less than 100?

Can I take TLD without water?

I take by treatment within the same hour at different times…

Should I switch to Dovato?

Can I switch back to my old regimen?

Interaction between TLD and lansoprazole?

Can you take PrEP if you’re on Levothyroxine?

Can I marry someone HIV negative?

I took Paxlovid 5 hours apart…

Where do I get ARVs in the UK?

My viral load increased after COVID…

I skipped treatment for 2 years and am depressed.

Is my parter at risk when I have a viral load of 70?

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