Q and A

Recent questions

How many pills do I need to take?

How do I prevent transmission to baby?

Is there a risk of transmission to baby?

Can I use antibiotics to treat HIV?

Can I work in Malta?

Should I skip my evening dose?

Do I need to be on contraception?

What happens when you stop Reydin?

Does baby already have HIV?

If treatment is not treating you well can you quit it?

Will I become detectable again?

Are blisters a sign of drug resistance?

Skipping TLD for one day?

I have taken Paxlovid wrong…

Will 2:1:1 PrEP dosing work?

Will switching treatment help me lose weight?

Oral thrush has not healed….

Is Luvigen safe during pregnancy?

I have not been having food with PEP…

Can my sister pass on HIV to her partner?

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