Q and A

Recent questions

Will 2:1:1 PrEP dosing work?

Will switching treatment help me lose weight?

Oral thrush has not healed….

Is Luvigen safe during pregnancy?

I have not been having food with PEP…

Can my sister pass on HIV to her partner?

Do I need to complete PEP for 28 days?

What is the right dosage of Acriptega for PEP?

Do I need to take a supplement to increase my CD4 count?

Can my partner be infected if I am on treatment?

Do I need to increase the dose of NVP when baby gains weight?

Will I get superinfection if having condomless sex?

Can I pass on HIV to my partner?

I am going without meds for 2 weeks…

Why does i-Base not answer questions on HIV testing and transmission?

Will a probiotic interfere with treatment?

Will grapeseed supplement interact with my treatment?

I was 45 minutes late with PEP…

What is my life expectancy?

Why has my CD4 count fallen?

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