Q and A

Recent questions

How can I improve my CD4 count?

How effective is HIV medication in children?

Am I progressing to AIDS?

Am I still at risk of developing an OI?

What does lower than detectable mean?

Can I continue giving my baby nevirapine?

My mom has been feeding baby porridge when i’m at work…

How do I switch the time of my treatment?

Is being HIV positive why I have hepatic steatosis?

Why have I only tested positive after 11 years?

Can I go back to breastfeeding?

Is it safe to continue having sex?

Are there benefits to switching to TLD?

How for the body to eliminate rilpivirine?

Is there an interaction between Acriptega and Accutane?

I have been living with HIV for 10 years…

Can me and my partner have sex if I am breastfeeding?

Is Didivir a PrEP or PEP?

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