Q and A

Recent questions

Rate of CD4 increase after 2 years…

Can I change my workplace schedule?

How fast will my CD4 count go up?

Can I work in the agriculture sector?

Is my increase in CD4 count good?

My viral load is 350 after 4 months…

Does Doxycycline and ranitidine hydrochloride interact with TLD drug?

Which ARVs cause less insomnia?

When and what Log values determines when to switch to 2nd line?

I have been given Kocitaf for PEP?

Can I work as a nurse in Ireland?

Should I switch treatment due to declining kidney function?

Using second course of PEP – perhaps change your doctor…

What are the main COVID-19 variants? How can they affect vaccine responses?

Does efavirenz and atenolol interact?

Why have I been feeling ill since starting treatment?

Is my family at risk?

How have I contracted HIV?

Can I give nevirapine 5 hours late?

Can I risk passing on HIV to my unborn child as the father?

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