Recent questions

Is it normal for CD4 counts to change on ART?

Unclear test results in the UK?

Can I really have sex without my partner being at risk?

Can I still have fun going out?

Can I repeat my TLD of I took an extra one by mistake?

Should I restart ART if my CD4 count is high and VL is undetectable?

Will giving birth in a car affect my baby?

Do elite controllers need to be on meds? Please explain my results?

Is my partner at risk if I missed meds for two days?

Should sleep problems stop after 4 weeks?

What is the life expectancy of a child who is HIV positive?

Do I have to take my meds at exactly the same time each day?

What is the risk of AIN3 progressing to anal cancer in people living with HIV?

Should I take an extra dose of PrEP?


When can I stop PrEP if my partner is undetectable?

Is a viral load of 67 copies/mL good?

I could I test positive?

What if I sleep with people after stopping meds?

Can I restart meds if I stopped them in 2019?

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