Q and A

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HIV positive with reactive value

Can I take my pill if I am drunk?

My doctor just says to take my daily pill…

What is someone takes four doses of HIV meds?

Is it too late to prevent transmission to baby?

Is baby okay if they have oral thrush?

What can I eat while taking lamivudine and zidovudine?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to recover?

Will IVF prevent infant transmission?

Can Trenvir treat liver diseases?

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What do my results mean?

Can I take Acriptega and Indapamide together?

Can I have a baby?

What does ‘161’ mean?

Is my partner at risk if I missed my treatment?

I took a double dose…

Can I have sex without a condom?

Will the MMR vaccine interact with Cabenuva?

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