Q and A

Recent questions

Can I restart meds after a break?

Will missed doses affect how well PEP works?

Can I give my baby new meds?

Can I use HIV and herpes meds at the same time?

I only just became positive but was also breastfeeding?

How do I give my baby nevirapine syrup?

Can I take painkillers with ART?

I have a question about PEP?

Do ARVs increase the risk of hypertension, especially in women?

Do I need ART if my CD4 is still above 500 after 24 years?

What if CD4 never goes above 200 on ART?

Will missing meds for 11 days cause drug resistance?

Can I use terbinafine while on PrEP?

Can I use Phytomed supplement on ART?

How to have a baby if my partner is positive?

How long does it take to increase the CD4 from less than 50?

Are there risks from my CD4 not increasing?

Do I need to take meds in the morning to help my kidneys?

Is it okay to miss three days of meds?

Can I take TLD with evening primrose oil?

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