Recent questions

I started TLD with a CD4 of 27. When can I stop other meds?

Do we need to test my 4 year old baby?

What time should Telatri pills be taken?

Questions about drug interactions?

What is the evidence for i-Base info about stopping PrEP?

Broken condom – partner on meds?

Will 6 weeks breast feeding put my baby at risk?

Why do UK guidelines only wait 6 weeks to test after PEP?

If I can’t access ARVs can diet and supplements help?

Can you get HIV-related rash two weeks into PEP?

What is the half-lives of the meds in LTD (TLD)?

PEP questions about dosing and symptoms…

Is there a connection between HIV and diabetes?

What is the difference between brand and generic meds?

Can people get free dental care if they have no access to benefits or work?

Who can use injectable CAB/RPV-LA in the UK

What are injectables – or injectable ART?

Can your parents having HIV cause learning differences in children?

Can women use injectable ART including during pregnancy?

I am breastfeeding with a high viral load?

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