Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Can HIV be transmitted if my viral load is 250?

I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

My viral load is not below 50…

Has my girlfriend recently become HIV positive?

Does alcohol increase viral load?

Will my CD4 count ever get higher than 100?

Will treatment suppress my viral load?

Am I at risk of getting ill?

How often should my blood tests be monitored?

2 days without Biktarvy…

I have unprotected sex with my husband…

How can I improve my CD4 count?

Can I have a baby with my HIV positive partner?

Could I really be HIV negative and do I need ART?

My CD4 count has only gone up by 90 in 12 years.

Will I die from AIDS?

Can I get injectable ART in the UK – and do I really need ART?

Does HIV lower white blood cells?

Restarting meds after a year…

I have missed my treatment for 3 weeks…

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