I’m on Rizene treatment, does this mean I am positive?
12 September 2016. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Disclosure, HIV testing, Newly diagnosed, Southern Africa, Starting treatment.
12 September 2016. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Disclosure, HIV testing, Newly diagnosed, Southern Africa, Starting treatment.
7 September 2016. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Disclosure, HIV testing, HIV transmission, Newly diagnosed, Sero different couples, Southern Africa, Starting treatment, Support.
7 September 2016. Related: Access to treatment, All topics, Disclosure, Southern Africa, Starting treatment, Support.
24 July 2016. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Newly diagnosed.
11 July 2016. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Sero different couples. 152 comments
27 June 2016. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Pregnancy.
23 June 2016. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Living with HIV long-term, Sero different couples, Support. 6 comments
27 February 2016. Related: Access to treatment, All topics, Disclosure, Travel. 113 comments
12 February 2016. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Newly diagnosed, Sero different couples, Starting treatment, Support.
27 March 2015. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Newly diagnosed, Sero different couples, Southern Africa.
22 September 2014. Related: All topics, Disclosure, HIV transmission, Living with HIV long-term, Sero different couples, Sexual health, Support.
1 October 2013. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Support.
5 November 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure.
23 October 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Newly diagnosed, Southern Africa.
14 September 2012. Related: Access to treatment, All topics, Disclosure.
15 August 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure.
31 July 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure.
20 March 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure.
27 February 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Life expectancy, Living with HIV long-term. 95 comments
22 February 2012. Related: All topics, Disclosure, Support. 1 comment