Q and A

Drug interactions

Can I take doxycycline with ARVs?

Is Atripla effective?

Can I drink and take ART?

Can I take headache tablets when taking atrioza?

Can I drink if I take odimune?

Can steroids cause drug interactions?

Will herbal remedies interact with my ARVs?

Will my meds interfere with my pain and inflammation medication?

Will my diarrhoea meds interfere with my ARVs?

I’m vegan with high cholesterol. Are my meds the cause?

What is causing my HIV+ partner’s skin to darken?

I have type 1 diabetes and HIV. Should I change my diet?

Can I take multivitamins and minerals with ARVs?

Are there a drug-drug interaction between melatonin and Atripla (or Eflaten)?

Can l take certirizine tabs while on Tribuss?

Can I use supplements if I am gaining weight on Stibild?

Can I use nutrition supplement shakes with HIV treatment?

Is there an interaction between my HIV meds and Viagra (sildenafil)?

Can someone on HIV treatment use Kaposi’s treatment?

Why do I get amnesia with alcohol and efavirenz?

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