Q and A

HIV transmission

Will PEP work for a second time?

Is a viral load of 52 considered undetectable?

Finding out I am HIV positive at 38 weeks pregnant. Will be baby be safe?

Can my baby have other drinks before 6 months?

Should I use Atroiza as PEP?

Can I have sex with my partner who is HIV positive?

Should I be concerned about sexual fluids if I am undetectable?

Why has my boyfriend not contracted HIV?

I have just been diagnosed and my doctor didn’t explain CD4 or viral load.

Can Truvada be used as PEP?

Do I need to be on PrEP to have sex with my partner?

Condom broke having sex with my parents?

Can I be on PEP and have a baby with my positive partner?

Will I require a c-section?

I have just found out I am HIV positive. My partner is unsure if he wants to stay.

Should I give my baby food at 6 weeks?

I stopped taking ARVs for 3 months?

Can I marry someone who is HIV positive?

Can PrEP be used as PEP?

I have completed my course of PEP. Will it work?

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