HIV transmission

My partner is using Acriptega…

Why are me and the baby not HIV positive?

How long do I need to take PEP?

Can I sleep with my boyfriend without a condom?

Can baby be HIV positive if mum isn’t?

Did PEP work?

Can I risk transmitting HIV if I miss my treatment for a day?

Is it possible for a HIV positive male to have a HIV negative child?

Can I finish PEP when originally planned?

Can a low CD4 count define a late diagnosis?

Do I need to use condoms if I am on PrEP?

My baby has a cough. Does this mean they have HIV?

Can HIV be transmitted if my viral load is 250?

I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

I switched to formula. Is there a risk to my baby?

Is it possible to get re-infected with another strain if I’m on medication?

I was late and had unprotected sex while on PEP.

Why is my partner not positive?

I have unprotected sex with my husband…

Can I have a baby with my HIV positive partner?

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