Q and A

Living with HIV long-term

I have questions regarding adherence and research….

Will Revivo and Baariz cure HIV?

Do ARVs make bones stiff?

Will my friend survive?

If we both have HIV is it ok to bareback?

Is HIV causing my low platelet count?

How can I prevent muscle wasting?

What does a CD4 count of 11 mean?

Do I have ‘AIDS’?

My CD4 count didn't go above 150, how long have I got to live?

Is there still research on waking sleeping cells?

Is ovarian cancer more common in people with HIV?

Is increased cholesterol due to the HIV or the meds?

I have just started medication and have a lot of questions…..

Can I have been HIV-positive since 1996 and not known it?

Will interleukin-2 increase my CD4 count now I am on treatment?

Does the virus really have an ageing effect?

What is the situation for HIV positive people on medication who have previous alcohol-based liver damage?

Does HIV medication increase the rate of ageing?

Do people on HIV medication have to give up work?

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